hahaha..the title is quite interesting kan3!! BUT it doesnt mean that i want to drink or had tried to drink it before. the reason why is that, i bought a card for my father. a veeeerrrrrrryyyyyy unique card that i found at The Spring Kuching. haha! btw, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, DADDY!! U r awesome :)
:D tengok tajuk pun dah tau yang aku nih gembira giler kan3.. 16 JUN hari tu, aku g ambil offer letter scholarship from Shell. ceremony ni berlangsung kat Pullman Hotel Kuching. =.=' awal2 pagi dah aku exercise jalan kaki from Harbour View hotel ke Pullman. siap pakai baju kurung lagi tu. hahaha. even orang tua jalan kat sebelah aku lagi laju. aku x la attend ceremony tu sorang2. ada adik n bapa aku join sekali. masuk je kat Pullman. aku heran le tengok ada budak2 pakai baju sekolah. ingatkan aku yang salah dress code!! haha! rupa2 nye mereka ni nanti dapat dermasiswa shell sebab dpt excellence result time PMR. Rm 750 lagi tuuu... then aku cari2 la org2 yang dpt biasiswa mcm aku..toleh kiri, toleh kanan.. semua macam more educated than me. -.-' speaking .... FYI, aku HEBAT la sangat in bab2 speaking2 ni. hahaha. cakap pon kalau nervous siap ter gaaa..gaap. apa ku kisah. acara tu kat email aku start register at 7.30am. (mata aku pun lagi kembang..x cukup tdo). tapi kami start ngan breakfast dulu la. haha..takut aku lemah longlai je naik pentas nanti sebab perut kosong. pas habis breakfast baru aku register. haaaaa... nasib baik ada sorang sama sekolah ngn aku. jiran lagi tu. x la aku macam org stupid je. dah register, mereka bagi aku kertas kecik yang ada nombor. First2.. aku ingat tu no 9. then adik aku pusing kertas tu ..eehhhh..macam no 6 je. haha. no9 ke no 6 nih? lantak la..masuk je dewan.
dalam dewan cari tempat duduk. bagi kertas tadi kat pak cik yang atur sitting. dia tanya..adik ni nombor apa? aku --> =.=? aku pon x tau. haha. pak cik= haha..km pon x tau? x pa la. tgk list name jap..owww...kristy ye? haaa..kamu duduk kat situ. aku= ooowww..TQ. dalam brapa minit dah penuh dewan. org mula masuk. aku duduk kat line 2. line 1 geng2 dapat oversea. besttttt nyeee... dah semua org datang, kami mula rehearsal. cara jalan.cara jabat tangan...eye contact. cara susunan time ambil gambar pon perlu raptai tau..haha. supaya smooth. pas tu..datang je VVIP, terus mula acara. aku paling suka tengok persembahan choral speaking dari ST Joseph. cantik!! sayang aku x ambik video. mereka ni nnti nak g wakil Sarawak utk national level kat Penang nanti. x lupa jugak kumpulan musik gamelan dari Smk ....? aku pun lupa.
macam2 feeling aku ada time ceremony tu. Gembira - aku bertuah sangat dapat offer ni. Malu-aku je yang buat bodoh n blur sebab orang kat kiri n kanan aku semua speaking. Sejok nak mampus - arrive je kat kuching terus dapat flu. tambah lagi aircond hotel tu fulamak!!! tapi, apa2 pun , aku gembira sangat.
Recipient from Sarawak ada 37 orang. 4 dari nye special students. ni yang aku respect sngt! even mereka special but mereka strive very hard sampai boleh dapat offer ni. habis je ceremony, g lunch lagi. at first aku ingat lunch tu ala2 buffet. sekali waiter tu buka hall tu...boleh terngaga tengok hall tu. (ni kali pertama aku g pullman hotel. tu pasal ada sakai sikit. hahahahahah!)
n part yang paling aku x sangka. =.=' aku di interview oleh rtm. kuang3..aku tengah blur. tetibe je orang tu paling. terus roll on camera. aku pun hentam je la. hahaha. sapa2 yang ada tengok brita wilyah petang 16 jun tu. ada la korang tengok muka aku. aku sendiri x sempat tengok. aku tau pon..semadi kawan ayah aku terkejut tengok aku kat news. haha.
tapi most of all, i want to thank God for what u give me :) You answered my prayer Lord. Thanks :)
***mesti korang pun hairan post ni x da gambar. aku x sempat nak bergambar. x cukup masa. semua orang kejar flight n nak check out hotel takut ke extra charge*** bapa aku setakat makan brapa suap terus g hotel balik nak check out. ***
tajuk nye untitled sebab aku sendiri pun x tau nak letak tajuk apa. hahahah lama dah x update blog ni. nak update..tp pas tu lupa. haha. dah tua la katakan. result USM dah kuar. hammmpeeehhhhh!!! tu pon aku x dpt. T.T sia2 je duduk Munsyi. yg MedSi tu belum lagi, bulan 7 kuar. dapat ke ..x dpt ke...pon aku x kisah. x lama lagi aku nk smbg stdy. kalau dulu, time aku syiioookkk giler tanam anggur blakang rumah, aku nak sgt smbg study. Bosan duduk rumah je. then skrg, dh dpt offer..malassss la pulak. haha. macam belum ready je. lama dh x bljar, tetibe bljar. buku tebal2 lagi tuh!! T.T haha,,tu pon nasib baik aku mohon dekat2 je. kalau jauh2..hmmm..x boleh hidup. dah biasa hidup ngn mak bapak. tido pun lambat, apa lagi bangun. bangun pon nak org kejutkan..(malu nye..haha!) nak cuci baju sndiri lagi. rmh x pa la. da wshing machine. nak masak sendiri lagi...x dpt aku bayangkan. dah la bapa aku x habis2 bgi lecture free. (risau kan anak la tu) trima kasih bapak! haha. one more thing!! ~nggeeeee~ lama dh aku idamkan hp baru. akhirnya tercapai jugak! x payah beli mahal2 pon..rosak jugak nnti kalau u pakai-->bapa. nak x nak ..alcatel touch screen tu jugak yg aku beli. nak HTC desire sbnrnya..Sapa boleh hadiahkan kat aku?? :) blum lagi htc..yg simple ni pon aku slow nak pakai. JAKUN bah..haha. pas ni aku nak sony walkman W-series pulak. :)
If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a, bed of roses Sink me in the river, at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song
Uh oh, uh oh
Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby
The sharp knife of a short life, well I've had, just enough time
If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a, bed of roses Sink me in the river, at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song
The sharp knife of a short life, well I've had, just enough time
And I'll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom I'm as green as the ring on my little, cold finger, I've Never known the lovin' of a man But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand, there's a Boy here in town who says he'll love me forever, Who would have thought forever could be severed by The sharp knife of a short life, well, I've had, just enough time
So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls What I never did is done
A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar They're worth so much more after I'm a goner And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin' Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'
If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a, bed of roses Sink me in the river, at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song
Uh oh (uh, oh) The ballad of a dove (uh, oh) Go with peace and love Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh
The sharp knife of a short life, well I've had, just enough time
Not EVERYONE in this world live a good life. Not everyone can pursue their dreams. Not everyone can go beyond the limit. Not everyone born in a wealthy family.
Some may suffer from diseases. Some may suffer from hunger. Some may suffer from financial constraints. Some may suffer deep within their heart but no one knows. BUT THEY HAVE THE TALENT. THEY HAVE THE PASSION. WHY DON'T GIVE THEM A CHANCE? TO LIVE FOR THE BETTER FUTURE. On the 17-18 June, one man will attempt to run 100km across 10 suburbs in 16 hours. Alex Au-Yong, The XtraMiler has donated his legs to StART Society to raise RM100,000 for the Music and Dance programme. You can help by following him throughout his run, cheer him on and pledge to this cause.
We know that not everyone can run 100km like Alex can, but you can do your part to go the xtramile! With a donation or RM10 or more, you can purchase a hand-made paper lantern from the kids at StART. to find out how just click http://www.xtramile.info/index.php
What is this XtraMile Day about? XtraMile Day would be a nationwide clarion call that encourages all Malaysians to consider or engage in charitable works to serve the community of the less fortunate. The whole modus operandi is to create awareness and to encourage more charitable works amongst individuals and corporations, starting from our very own soil, Malaysia.
The core message of XtraMile Day is this: to go the extra mile by doing what you’re best at, serving the community within your reach; and doing it in long-termed sustainable fashion. The culture of XtraMile Day is to do something crazy, something novel and something out of your way in remembrance of the less fortunate, where anyone and everyone can do something to help the less fortunate.
Where is he running? Starting point will be at Putrajaya → Puchong → Sunway → USJ → Subang Jaya → Kelana Jaya → SS2 → Damansara Jaya → Damansara Utama → Bandar Utama → Taman Tun Dr. Ismail → Mont Kiara/Hartamas → Damansara Heights/Bangsar and ends at StART Society in Petaling Jaya
Who is the beneficiary from this fundraising event? StART Society (www.start.org.my)
SOoooo...dont wait until tomorrow. Donate now! This is A GOOD START to care for the LESS fortunate. :)