Saturday, May 28, 2011

~temuduga guru 2011~

nih sambungan dari MedSi yg aku post hari tuh....sampai je kat UPM tempat temuduga tu aku mula la nabes...nama dah temudguda mesti la nabes kan. hahaha.. then masuk ke tmpat tu, semua orang pakai baju kurung.=.=' aku pakai....long sleeves n skirt jer..hahaha(one and only yg x pakai baju kurung) aku duli apa asalkan decent clothing kan.

bilik temuduga aku no 2. ada 2 org yg uruskan. (1 lelaki, 1 pperempuan) dari pukul 9 mula..macam2 ragam yg aku tgk. first da sorang budak ni..jauh mai sini. dari sibu. dia 1st candidate. tp dia slamba badak jer datang lambat then ic plak tercicir on da way tadi. ish3...cian nye. nasib baik org UPM tolong carikan ..terjumpa jugak kat tepi jalan. tercicir dari fail rupanya time dia keluarkan fail nak tanya arah.

pas tu org asyik lalu lalang..da yg nak g tandas..nervous biasala tu..:P..da yg br je nak ambil fail sijil..da yg bawa BEG BESAR SGT..mcm nak g sekolah tuh. punya la besar. tp x pa..semangat tu. x macam aku ni=.=' muka pun semadi je. dah la menguap entah brapa kali.

untuk bilik kami sorang da la lebih kurang 20 mn kot di interview. aku dengar ada yg diantara mereka disuruh 'testing' mengajar lagi. hahaha..nasib baik aku X PAYAH. overall okay la. org yg interview kami tu peramah la jugak, x la aku stress sgt.

tiba je turn aku..masuk bilik.duduk.senyum. then buat bodoh time dia semak fail.hahaha. mcam2 la dia tanya. tp permulaan memang la mcam biasakan. perlu introduce ourself. tp aku tanya soalan yg paling bodoh la..ERMMM, SY PERLU MULA INTRODUCE DARI NAMA SAYA KA? KAN DAH STATE KAT BORANG TU NAMA SAYA SAPA..
MR. X: =.='' (* budak ni main2 ke apa)..

satu bilik ketawa...haha.
MR.x: mestilah. cerita je pasal diri awak. later belakang family awak..

owww....aku mula crita2..sampai x da benda lagi nak diceritakan..ayat paling last --> oleh itu, sy berharap agar permohonan sy menjadi seorang guru ini akan berjaya agar sy dpt menolong dlm mendidik anak bangsa..hahahaha..kelentong je la.

x cukup satu statement bodoh aku kata. aku tambah satu lagi..
mr. X: eh, kamu mohon guru je ke? benda lain? kenapa guru pilihan kedua?
aku:pilihn 1st tu doktor. tp konfom x dpt la..T.T..jadi sy letak guru pilihan kedua.
mr.X:kenapa x pilihan 3/4/8?
aku: BAA..MESTI LA KEDUA. DAH KATA KAT WEBSITE TU.PANDUAN ISI BORANG KATA..bidang PERGURUAN mesti letak kat 1SR/2ND choice. sebab pilihan itu bertemuduga. mesti la sy letak no2. kan sy nak jadi doktor mula2. hahaha..(APA MACAM HEBAT X JWPN AKU?) then mula la mr.X ni tanya pasal beza pilihan 1 n 2 tuu..kenapa x kata konfom x dpt medic..knpa nak jdi guru kimia..n macam2 lagi

tiba je part isu2 semasa. AHAA...aku ditanya pasal --isu OBESITI di kalangan pelajar Malaysia. yg isu nasi lemak tu..lawak nye aku makan jugak nasi lemak kat sekolah. x jugak gemuk2..hahaha. 2 org yg tukang interview tu pon ketawa terbahak2. nasi lemak memang la berlemak . tp dah itu je benda di jual kat kantin. nak makan pa lagi. Mi goreng? berminyak. Donut? berminyak. Hotdog? terlalu sikit. mereka pon angguk2 je dengar.

pas tu part speaking2..aku rimas tiba part ni..nak speaking2 nih. maklumlah...grammar aku 'hebat' sgt.
Mdm Y: hmmm..seems like u travel a lot huhh? *sambil belek2 sijil aku
aku:yesssssssss....i am.
mdm y: explain..
aku:????explain???..oww...aku cita la g mana2 tmpat yg aku ingat.
mdm Y: haa..u org bintulu kan.
aku:yes i am. why?
mdm Y: we r from semenanjung. bintulu ni da part2 yg best ke? kami nak jalan2 sementara ada kat sini. *senyum lebar*
aku: =.='' AKU INGAT NAK TANYA PASAL KIMIA KE..APA KE..hahaha.. aku pon promo2 la cuti2 Bintulu kat mereka.

at last habis jugak temuduga aku.. **pssttt...aku siap kata makan abc kat tg batu nyaman tau** mereka:ye ka? nak try la nanti..hahahahaha..

~entah berjaya ke x interview aku ni nanti~

Monday, May 23, 2011


yerrrr....22.mei.2010..patutnye semkan panggilan temuduga dah boleh dilakukan pada hari tersebut. tp klik punya klik...x jugak buka2..heran3... rupa2 nya da server breakdown..OWHhhh....

then cuba pulak esok hari..tiba2 dapat. key in je nama terus terpampang nama aku--alamat nyer pergi temuduga la aku ni =.='.. yg aku x syioookkkk nih..Medsi aku pass la pulak..(muka aku boleh jadi cgu kot..hahahaha)
tp Munsyi aku x pass HUHHHH!!!!..

tgk lah hari rabu ni 25.mei..aku g temuduga..dah la aku mohon pendidikan kimia.entah apa2 la ditanya. jgn tanya aku yg bukan2 k..encik temuduga!! aku x baca buku kimia lagi nih.. nanti tergagap2 pulak aku menjawab..ketawa besar korang tgk ..haha

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hillsong - You Hold Me Now - Faith+Hope+Love - With Subtitles

On the day when I see
All that You have for me
When I see You face to face
There surrounded by Your grace

All my fears swept away
In the light of Your embrace
Where Your love is all I need
and forever I am free

Where the streets are made of gold
In Your presence healed and whole
Let the songs of heaven rise to You alone

No weeping
No hurt or pain
No suffering
You hold me now, You hold me now
No darkness
No sick or lame
No hiding
[ Hillsong Lyrics are found on ]
You hold me now, You hold me now

In this life I would stand
through my joy and my pain
Knowing theres a greater day
There's a hope that never fades

Where Your name is lifted high
and forever praises rise
For the glory of Your name
I'm believing for the day

Where the wars and violence cease
All creation lives in peace
Let the songs of heaven rise to You alone

For eternity
All my heart will give
All the glory to Your Name

Seek, and He will Provides :)

Hallelujah.. God never ceases to amaze me ;).. without you in my life, I couldnt been this far.
You always there to help me, to comfort me, to shelter me from any obstacles the world had given to me. When I start to lose hope, You always there for me and give me spiritual strength. no matter what happen to me, good or bad, sad or happy, joy or tears, You always come first. There is none like You, no one else can touch my heart like you do. Ive been search for all eternity long, there is none like you.

We may have lots of friends.. not to mention the thousand or hundreds of them in Twitter or Facebook. But do they really care for us like Jesus do? Do they willing to sacrifice their only child Like God do? Do they with you when u feel the pain inside? Do they will you when u have trouble and dont have nay guts to face it? Do they help u when u need something badly? Do they PROMISE AN ETERNITY LIFE for u IN HEAVEN?

when I lose hope, I pray and He give me strength to get through the situation. when I in pain, I pray and He bring the pain away. When I seek for something, He provides. He always give me want I want.
When I x get to enter matrix or university..He provide me a different path which I refuse to do in the first place. I have no choice but to do Form 6. HEYYY!!! Maybe this is not bad at all. He give me strength each day. Though the studies are not east to catch up.. but at last, with His kindness I succeed. :) YOU NEVER CEASE TO AMAZE ME. You make me happy in many ways that I cannot see. --He works in way, we cannot see, He will make a way for me;)-- not everything we plan, can go smoothly. But if the plan fails, meaning He has made A new path for you. The path may lead you to bumpy ride, but HEY!!! There is none like Him. He will make the path become an interesting one that brings happiness to your life. If you dont get WHAT YOU WANT IN YOUR LIFE, SEEK AND HE WILL PROVIDE. NO one knows, He may give YOU MORE THAT U EVER WANTED :p in the mean time , PRAY WITH ALL YOUR HEART. DEVOTE YOUR LIFE TO HIM.

**ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find it; knock and the door will be opened to you**

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it**

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles,They shall run and not be weary , They shall walk and not faint**

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land"**

for I am a sinner, I seek forgiveness in YOU.

~kami budak macam2 ragam~

kami budak macam2 ragam..hahahaha..antara member mcm2 ragam ini ialah = Mdm. morren, sharon, Aku..,elvis,ahamdy n byk lagi la.

actually kami ni dah lama dah kenal kan3..aku ngn mereka sejak f1/f2 lagi..haaa.. x payah cakap byk..meh dgr cita kat bawah nih ha..

1) mdm: nanti kita dinner kat mana ah??
aku: hmmm..jap ku baca msg lok
sharon: tadika pimpin la
elvis: ya3..tadika..
aku:ada ke dinner kat tadika? hahaah lawak nye..
mdm: ala - ala buffet kot..
kami semua : oooooooooo...(siap boleh imagine lagitu)

10 min kemudian sesudah tiba di depan tadika tersebut..

mdm: eh, mana org ni? kosong jer...(lihat kiri kanan..depan blakang..)
kami: yelah..x da org punn...
aku: APRIL FOOL kot..hahahaha
Sharon: macam2..mana da April fool hari ni
Aku: =.=' lawak x jadi la pulak
elvis : (jadi tukang ketawa..)

then, mdm kol la sir..yang msg kami tadii.....

rupa2 nyer....dia salah dengar venue dinner tuhhhh...hahahahah..

kami: =.='''
aku: naaaa...kan ku dah cakap..mana da org dinner kat tadika
kami: hahahahaha..kena pau dah kita ni

then..g la ke destinasi sebenar dinner tu..sampai je kat restaurant tu..appuuu..1Malaysia beno,,
kami kat tingkat atas..majoriti chinese..then tingkat bawah org iban pulak kawin..macam2 ada..

*********end of story 1**********

2) aku, mdm, ahmady...baru je pulang dr jogging kat taman
time dalam keta..syok2 la cita..dengan penuh semangat nak tingkatkan stamina

mdm: kata esok, kita x payah pakai keta.. kita direct jogging dari rumah. nak x?
aku: haaaaaaaaaaaa.......apuuu.....
ahmady: bha..jom!!! sy on je.
mdm: bagus rasa2 la kan.. kalau kitastart jogging dr bulatan 2.. kira2 1000km kita jogging..
ahmady: ye3..betul2. x cukup kat taman tu..sikit jer
aku: "kira2 1000km kita jogging." hhhaaaaaa????? 1000km? aku salah dengar ka? panjang tuhh!!!!

mdm n ahmady: mana der... betul la tuh!
aku: ye ka? (tau pun aku ni yg x tau..bukan ka 1km=1000m???) hmmmmm...masih diam lagi..berfikir..

1 keta diam..tgh fikir mana satu yg betul...1000km ke...1 km...
aku: haaaa!!! mana de 1000km. kalo cam tu..boleh smpai kuching kita jogging..hahaah
mdm n ahmady: hmmmm....EHHHHHH!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... salah la..1km = 1000m..
mdm: sambil menempik bahu aku
kami: hahaahah..lawak2..
aku: tu la..ku ingat aku yg salah tadi..lama ku fikir tau :P

*****************end of story 2**********************

3) aku, elvis, sharon disuruh atur gym cantek2...

elvis: sy ni bhgn management..x tau la nak naik2 tangga kayu nih..haha..kamu la naik sharon..kamu kan ringan
aku: ye la..ringan senang naik..
sharon: la tu..

dah berapa kali tukul kayu tuh,..
sharon: aduhhh..lenguh nye tangan saya ni!! berat betul tukul ni
aku: hati2..jatuh tukul kena kepala kami nanti..hahaha
elvis: lagi..
sharon: sabar la..appuu..


then, tiba je part gym yg blakang skali..
kami: dongak kepala ke atas..( mcm na nak buat ni oohhh??? hmmmm))
elvis: sy rasa patut buat cam ni.. ini kat tengah then paku pas tu...bla...bla...blaa....
aku: ???? pa tu? mana nak buat kain ni lurus then smpai sini curve..
sharon: ye la..dia kan suruh buat cam tu..
kami: laaa...lantak lerrr...bukan nye training kat bumbung ponn..hahaha

mula la 3 org kontraktor yg x bertauliah ni buat keja...suka hati je..siap pekik memekik lagi minta dawai..aku n sharon pon dah PRO - sak dah naik turun tangga kayu tuh..ku siap boleh lompat lagi time turun..hahaha..

elvis: apuuuu..bergegar gym!! hahaha

dah brapa jam berlalu..siap jugak keja kami...bila dongak je kepala tgk kain yg kami pasang tuh..

aku: apasal nampak pelik jer kain ni??
elvis: tenguh ngn pendirian nyer sal management ===> kan sy dah kata tu...kamu x nak ikot..haa..tgk pa dah jadi
sharon: biarlah,...asal dah siap..
aku:kui3...btol!! dah siap ney..

2 hari selepas itu..time upgrading.. sir tgk kain yg kami pasang... tersengih-sengih jer dia..hahaha
(anak didik ku ni memang mcm2)..haha. sapa la yg buat nih...

elvis: tuhhhh...mereka 2 yg buat
aku n sharon: ewah3... kamu pun join la..

budak2 lalu tempat letak bag..siap dongak lagi tengok kain yg CANTEK tuh...
SENYUM JER mereka...hahaha
bak kata elvis: kami bukan kontraktor la...mana tau buat cantek2..dah siap pon patut bersyukur..hahaha

*********end of story 3*********

4) kat mall... aku, mdm, chimiey,sharon. nak g tgk buku kat Popular..
mdm g bahagian lain ngn anak dia. nak beli ABC ...123...hehehe..
aku n sharon g bahagian majalah..time aku jalan2.. tetiba je tgk buku ni ---HEAVEN IS FOR REAL-- **da dlm post aku yg sebelumnye..

aku: eh, bukan ni ke sharon buku yg morren kata tadi tu.. la dia. tgk sinopsis dia..haa..betul la ni
aku: tgk harga dia.... $$ =.='..ish..mahal nyer..

g tanya morren dulu...
aku: ee...aku terjumpa buku tok la..(show buku kat mdm)
mdm: wah...kat mana jumpa? byk lagi ka?
aku: x la ..3 je lagik.
mdm: mesti beli ni!! nak baca jugak. p kenapa BI... x da BM ke??.. ni yang aku malas ni..
aku: x da..tgk ni...edition--english only---
mdm: jom beli... ( cek dompet..heheheh..x cukup la duit)
aku n sharon: hahahaha..kan da ATM kat bawah...hehehe
mdm: la na nak g bawah. nanti org beli buku nih
aku: hehehe..( ambik 2 buku tu..selit kat buku lain...pas tu letak buku HOW TO BE A BILLIONAIRE KAT DEPAN..hahaha..konfom x da org beli punya...**semata2 nak beli buku tu je**)
kami: (tergesa - gesa g mesin atm kat bawah..), then..g atas lagi.. smpai2 je kat kedai..terus ambik buku tu..aku 1, mdm 1. dah buku dalam tangan baru la lega..hahaha
aku: Memang DIA suruh kita baca ni..bukan kebetulan ni..baru je cakap terus terpampang buku ni kat sini..
kami: angguk2..betul2.

********************end of story 4*************************

sebenar nye..banyak lagi crita kami nih..macam2 ragam la katakan..hahaha...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Take me to HEAVEN, JESUS :)

On 1st of May, I bought this book entitled HEAVEN IS FOR REAL by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent. The book really catches my attention in the bookstore n of course it has a unique yellow cover. The title makes me more curious to read quite hard to make me cry when read a book..but this book does!!! IT's worth to buy this book.

-Heaven is for Real- is a story of a young boy emerges from life-saving surgery with remarkable stories of his visit to heaven. To be precise the boy named Colton.


Took it from the website

Heaven Is for Real is the true story of the four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who during emergency surgery slips from consciousness and enters heaven. He survives and begins talking about being able to look down and see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. The family didn't know what to believe but soon the evidence was clear.

Colton said he met his miscarried sister, whom no one had told him about, and his great grandfather who died 30 years before Colton was born, then shared impossible-to-know details about each. He describes the horse that only Jesus could ride, about how "reaaally big" God and his chair are, and how the Holy Spirit "shoots down power" from heaven to help us.

Told by the father, but often in Colton's own words, the disarmingly simple message is heaven is a real place, Jesus really loves children, and be ready, there is a coming last battle.




'' nobody is old and nobody wears glassess''.

**believe like a child**