aduhhhh.... apa nak jadi ni..nak study tp hati mau online..mau main game..mau tido..mau makan keropok..
exam..hahahaa..math.. = F- Fabulous , A-astonishing , I-imaginable , L- LOSer.. = F.A.I.L
'bangga" I For the 1st time in my whole life as a human being living in this place we called Earth.. failed for my math.. *sigh...
last exam :
I : what?! why i don't got principal for math?
Akire: haha..no just u.. me too.. next time maybe?
I: ok..maybe next time.. looks like we must concentrate more on this
Akire: yeah..true! do more exercise.. hmm.. tomorrow? at school?
hehehe.. feeling lazy.. next time la study..
Akire: omG! MY eyes dah mau jatuh.. mau tidor..mau pg narnia..
I: ok..hahaha..
tgk2..apa nak jadi..kata mau study..then ..tidor juga..siap pg Narnia lg tu.. pergi jumpa ASLAN and The WhITE WHICTH..HAHAHAHAH...
A month later..
Akire: bha..aku mau stdy ini la for math. just target pat 60 marks pun cukop..
I: ya la.. asal principal..
teacher: okay class.. *sigh.. u all tau sendiri la ur marks.. other subj u did well, but math.. *sigh
berarak mendung awan di langit... hahaha..
skali dapat 35 only...35?!!!! apuuu...apa nak jadi ni??
Akire: hebat...9 only..
Conclusion: doN'T try to procrastinate like this!!!
ReplyDeletenarnia is the best places ever n ever...
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