I m so tired. waking up late.staying up late.tonnes of bullshit assignments..with SO MUCH CALLED TEAMWORK..SUCKS.no tv..OMG..not even what is going on with the world. not even read the newspaper...dont understand the lecture...or even what the hell is the lecturer is saying. but 1 THING FOR SURE. I start to regret my decision. I have my own dream..my own ambition..my own future. but still I choose to follow urs. i m getting sick n tired of learning something that i x have interest with. i am sick of forcing myself to learn all the physics or math or whatsoever that related. no one can help me now. Ohh GOD, give me strength :) give me the comfort to finish this 4-year study. only Him knows my feeling. my life is about fulfilling others expectation. BUT WHO WILL LIVE THEIR LIFE FOR ME???
this evening, i asked my friends, what is their ambition? to be an engineer? of course rite, which explains why they take chem eng. BUT NO.. none of them say they want to be an engineer. some want to become pharmacist, some want to become nutritionist, some want to become lecturer, some is STILL UNKNOWN,some just say..i love chem n phy thats why, n others say..my parent la they want me to become engineer =.=''.
but then......we landed in the same place n take the same course. haha. looks like not only me who are struggling.
same goes to me... sad isn't..my dream is not what I study right now...